Resources for the Agricultural sector.
28 Jul 2023
QRIDA - Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994
Submission to QRIDA for the purpose of this legislative review into the Rural and Regional Adjust. Ref: MG/SF/GG23042
11 Jul 2023
Productivity Commission Future Drought Fund Submission
Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry & interim report 2023, following the interim findings & recommendations. Ref: MG/SF/GG23037
03 Jul 2023
Minister Furner Fire Ant Eradication Submission
National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program . Ref: MG/MV/GG23033
09 Jun 2023
Proposed Amendments to Land Valuation Act 2010 Submission
Submission to Suzanne Stone Proposed Amendments to Land Valuation Act 2010 - Ref: GG23030
31 May 2023
Meet the AgForce Young Producers’ Council
04 May 2023
Input to Replacement of the Water Plan (Burdekin Basin) 2007
Submission to provide input to the replacement of the Water Plan (Burdekin Basin) 2007 (‘the Plan’). Ref: RH/SF/GG23023
03 Apr 2023
Hydrogen Industry Development Amendment Bill - 2023
Submission to the Department of Energy and Public Works on a number of Acts. Ref: MG/SF/GG1002
31 Mar 2023
Senate Inquiry into Bank Closures in Regional Australia
Submission to the inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia. Ref: MG/SF/GG1001
03 Mar 2023
Future Drought Fund
Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the effectiveness of Part 3 of the Future Drought Fund Act 2019 (the Act). Ref: MG/SF/GG
23 Feb 2023
Submission on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Surat Basin Carbon Capture & Storage Project
Submission to the EIS for the Surat Basin Carbon Capture and Storage Project proposed by the Carbon Transport & Storage Corporation (CTSCo) near Moonie.