
Industry Engagement Program

School to Industry Partnership Program – SIPP

Delivered since 2004 the School to Industry Partnership Program (SIPP) has successfully been the conduit between Queensland primary producing agribusiness and schools (students and educators),  widely regarded not only as successful but also as a benchmark for school – industry engagement.

The AgForce School to Industry Partnership Program delivers a range of events and programs throughout the year for primary students, secondary students, and teachers. These programs educate students about the origins of their food and fibre, engaging them with a wealth of primary production and agricultural sectors and raise the profile of careers in agribusiness and increase awareness in the variety of career paths on offer. 

Examples of our events

  • MOO BAA MUNCH Held at school farms, this event brings together a wealth of industries with hands on workshops for primary and secondary students.
  • AG CONNECT Held at schools; this event provides schools an opportunity to engage with industry through a range of relevant presentations.
  • INDUSTRY TOURS These day-long events take students around a range of local agricultural industries for a snapshot of the roles within the company and career pathways.
  • FARMER IN THE CLASSROOM Industry current presenters come to your school and give a presentation to your students on agricultural industries, following the paddock to plate process. Suitable for primary and secondary schools.
  • CAREER CONVERSATIONS Secondary students closely interact with agriculture industry professionals in an informal setting, learning about pathways into a career in agriculture.
  • CAREER SNAPSHOTS - Your Agri-Future Industry professionals, in a lecture type presentation provide a day in their life, career pathways and opportunities in their field to secondary school students.
  • TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Food, fibre and agricultural educator professional development events, including the Food, Fibre and Agricultural Educators Conference and industry tours.
  • AG INSPIRATIONS Secondary students apply to undertake a three-day intensive tour of agribusinesses in their region. Career pathways, industry roles and possible work experience are investigated.
  • KIDS 2 FARM Educating kids about agriculture with the aim of increasing children’s understanding of where and how their food and fibre is produced and the role and importance of agriculture to Australia’s way of life, regional communities and the economy. Express your interest in Kids to Farms.

The program is a collaboration between AgForce and the Queensland Government to support the Queensland agriculture industry.