
Last updated 9 Sep 2024. 

Election nominations for AgForce’s main Board, Commodity Boards and Regional Councils closed on 20 August 2024. The full results of the election is available here. Three Regional Council Director positions were contested and will be put to a vote by AgForce members, with more information here

The new elected representatives will begin their term at the AgForce Annual General Meeting in November 2024. Over the coming weeks, we'll be introducing you to the new representatives below. This week, please meet our Sheep, Wool and Goats Board and the South West Regional Council representatives. 


SWAG Board

President - Boyd Webb

Paul Doneley


Peter Thomas



Anita Dennis 


Thomas Perkins


Stephen Tully


Brock Hindmarsh


South West Regional Council 

South West Regional Director - Louise Martin

President - Geoffrey Swanson


Kate Maloney

Frederick Bryant


Anna Appleton

Jacqui Tickell