
29 May 2024.

DatesNominations open Tuesday, 30 July 2024 and close 5pm Tuesday 20 August 2024 

Every two years, all positions on AgForce's main Board, Commodity Boards, and Regional Councils become available. All voting members are invited to nominate themselves. Voting members are:

  • full members;  
  • joint members/complimentary members. 

Animation of AgForce Structure 

2024 is an AgForce Member Election year! We need you! 

Nomination forms are available from the AgForce Website, your Regional Manager and the AgForce Brisbane office. Any nomination that complies with AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited Constitution is acceptable. 

Nominations for office must be submitted in writing and must include signatures from the nominee, a proposer, and a seconder. Completed nomination forms must be provided to the Nomination, Remuneration, and Culture Committee before the closing date for nominations. Nomination forms can be emailed to

Only voting members may be nominated to office. A financial voting member is a member whose subscription is no more than 60 days in arrears as at the date of the opening of nominations. 

Please ensure all necessary information and signatures are included to avoid any delays in the processing of your nomination.

Notice forms (click links below): 

AgForce Notice to Members 

Commodity Notice to Members 
Nomination Forms (click links below): 

AgForce Nomination Form 

Cattle Nomination Form 

Cane Nomination Form 

Grains Nomination Form 

SWAG Nomination Form 
Position descriptions for all positions are listed below (click link to view):

Board Director 

General President 

Young Producer 

Commodity Director 

Commodity President 

Regional President 

Regional Director 

Regional Councillor 

Responsibilities as a Board Director (click link)

ACNC and ASIC Responsibilities 

Nominations may be received by hand, post, facsimile or email that includes the signatures of the nominees and nominators. Nominees will receive a confirmation email that their nomination has been received by the Brisbane office. 

Prospective candidates should refer to the Constitution for further details relating to requirements to stand for office, and it is recommended that prospective candidates, their proposers and seconders confirm their financial status and other qualifications required before lodging a nomination form. 
Candidate statements 

Candidates are to send a photo of themselves and a short biography, up to 250 words including their name, work history and reasons for why they are nominating for the position. Statements will be reproduced for Agforce election and media purposes. These statements can be delivered to the nomination email address by the close of nominations. 


Ballots for contested positions will open Tuesday, 10 September 2024 and will close at 5pm Tuesday, 1 October 2024. Only financial voting members who reside in or have business interests in their region when nominations close may vote in the elections. Members should ensure that AgForce is advised of any change in their membership details. 

Staff Involvement 

As per our employment policy, staff do not assist in approaching potential candidates or electioneering during an election.  It is the responsibility of the candidate to submit any required paperwork and ensure it meets all requirements. 

If an employee feels pressure or becomes aware of confirmed efforts by candidates to use AgForce or its resources to further an election campaign, they are to refer it to the Company Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) immediately.