
13 February 2024. Updated 15 July 2024. 

AgForce invites you to contribute to a fighting fund set up to strengthen our defence against Glencore’s proposal to pump dirty emissions into the Great Artesian Basin. 

AgForce's Federal Court case 

With our members, industry and community by our side, AgForce is just three weeks away from progressing our case in the Federal Court to ensure the Great Artesian Basin is protected in perpetuity. 

However, our preference remains to resolve this outside of court. All we seek is for the Federal Minister for the Environment, Tanya Plibersek, to revoke the decision made on 9 Feb 2022 that the proposal by Glencore/CTSCo to dispose waste products into the Great Artesian Basin was not a controlled action.

As we approach our court dates on 1-2 August, you can help us by:    

  • Donating to the fighting fund here
  • Showing your support by coming to the Federal Court in Brisbane on 1-2 August. You can register here
  • Writing to your local MP about why it's important to ensure that the GAB is protected in perpetuity. 
  • Writing to the Federal Minister for the Environment at to ask that they revoke the decision made on 9 February 2022. 

Hear more from AgForce CEO, Michael Guerin below. 


Latest news

A Federal Senate inquiry released on Friday 12 July has found the GAB is no place for carbon storage. The committee recommended that states and territories consider a legislated ban on CCS activities across the GAB to ensure this important natural asset is uniformly preserved.
Read more from The Australian here or the Australian Parliament House website here

The threat facing the GAB

By way of background, AgForce has squared up against mining giant Glencore by underwriting and leading legal action to stop industrial waste being pumped directly into the Great Artesian basin.  We seek to resolve this out of court but are prepared to go to the Federal Court if necessary.  We will leave no stone unturned in this campaign.

In short, we are seeking to have the federal decision of 9 February 2022 under the EPBC Act revoked.  We have strong and detailed legal advice showing we have a valid argument and good prospects of success.  The Federal Minister has the authority to revoke the 2022 decision and we have provided the detailed reasoning that we believe allows her to make that revocation.  We are concurrently preparing filings in case we need to take it to court.

Donations received will offset some of our underwriting risk.

That the idea was even conceived beggars’ belief, but that it is most of the way through the approvals process with no guarantee it won’t be approved is staggering and simply unacceptable.

Communities are angry, frustrated and deeply concerned. 

Imagine if Glencore proposed pumping industrial waste into for example Sydney Harbour or the Great Barrier Reef.  Yet, here we are very close to Glencore having all the approvals it needs to do exactly that to the Great Artesian Basin. 

And let there be no doubt, this proposed ‘pilot’ by Glencore is not reversible.  If it proves what already seems abundantly obvious to AgForce, the process cannot be reversed.  We will have dirty emissions from a coal fired power station circulating forever in our Great Artesian Basin.

We’ll keep you informed of where we are at every week through ACTION.    


Help spread the word

AgForce has developed a sign to help raise awareness of the threat to the Great Artesian Basin. The sign can be put up anywhere, such as on a shop window or on a gate/fence. Please download the sign here, print and put up these signs to help us spread the message about the Great Artesian Basin far and wide!