Views: 181

17 July 2023. Last updated 11 August 2023.

It’s AgForce membership renewal time again – and AgForce needs your support!

Payment by instalments is available through your member portal until 30 September 2023. This allows you to pay in four even instalments - the first when you sign up, the second on 1 October 2023, the third on 1 December 2023, and the last on 1 February 2024.

Well done to AgForce members Bronte Lloyd and Ruth Grimshaw, who renewed early and went into our prize draw.

First prize winner Bronte picked up a Telstra GO Mobile Smart Signal Repeater, and Ruth received a $400 IOR fuel voucher for second place.

Remember, strong active and vocal members mean that we are able to achieve outcomes for our industry, and guide, drive, and provide leadership into the future for you and your counterparts.

Below are some of our current major initiatives:

  • AgCarE – our ground-breaking natural capital certification program
  • The sugarcane industry roadmap
  • Drought and disaster responses
  • School to Industry Partnership Program – taking ag into classrooms across the State

This year we have revamped your member profile to provide a personal snapshot of what services and benefits your enterprise has taken advantage of over the past two years, as well as including a full list of the services and benefits now available.

Please refer to the email we sent on Friday 9 June, for more information on AgForce membership.

We thank you for your support and look forward to partnering with you in the year ahead, as we continue to build a productive, profitable, and sustainable agricultural sector into the future.