
21 December 2020.

When you read the report on the Agriculture Schools Engagement Program, funded by Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, and delivered by AgForce’s School to Industry Partnership Program (SIPP) team, you’d be forgiven for thinking COVID hadn’t happened.

That’s how much we were able to engage with schools throughout the State, as well as facilitate connections with local agribusinesses and offer events and programs to further engage with the agribusiness industry.

The program connects with Agribusiness Gateway to Industry Schools (AGISP) and supports other schools in that hub.

Events and programs usually include Ag Inspirations, Career Conversations, Career Snapshots, Ag Connect, Moo Baa Munch, and Teach the Teacher.

In 2020, the Program was obviously impacted by COVID-19. However, as soon as restrictions lifted and schools were able to participate in events and activities, we successfully ran Ag Inspirations events in several regions.

The feedback from students and teachers shows just how valuable these engagement events are.