
7 December 2020.

It has been a year like no other for everyone, including AgForce's School to Industry Partnership Program (SIPP) team. But from adversity can come opportunity and throughout an ever-changing year the SIPP team of Tanya Nagle, Kellie Cooke, and Kym Campbell made many new contacts within the agriculture industry in Queensland.

Work continued with the Agribusiness Gateway to Industry Schools (AGISP) through the Agriculture School Engagement Program under funding from the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training to provide events to promote the diversity of careers in agriculture and the various pathways available. These events also provided fantastic opportunities for the involvement of schools co-located to AGISP schools as well.

This year SIPP was also successful in gaining funding from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment under the ‘Educating Kids about Agriculture’ initiative, to be rolled out during 2021/2022. 

A huge thanks to all of the students, teachers, and industry members who supported SIPP this year. The team look forward to working with everyone again in 2021. 

SIPP 2020 Newsletter (PDF)