










Brendan Taylor










Scott Muller










Bradley Mifsud










Stephen Marshall










James Ryder










Sean Ryan










Scott Loughnan










Policy Director:

Ruth Thompson 0427 472 467









Policy Priorities:

  • Capable supply chains
    • AgForce Grains is working with all levels of government (local, state and federal) to ensure the transport infrastructure in Queensland can handle the freight task, efficiently and effectively. This involves advocating for sensible regulation, targeted infrastructure funding and innovation in the supply chain.
  • Functional crop insurance
    • To make it easier for grain growers to manage risk, AgForce Grains is working towards the introduction of functional crop insurance. Crop insurance that works for farmers needs to be affordable, it needs to ensure risks outside of the control of farmers such as low rainfall, and it needs to be financially sustainable for insurance companies.
  • North Queensland crop development
    • To create a future for the grains industry in Northern Queensland, AgForce Grains is partnering with other stakeholders to investigate how to create a viable broadacre cropping industry in the North.
  • Oversized agricultural machinery movements
    • AgForce has successfully advocated reducing red tape when moving large agricultural vehicles. The Class 1 Agricultural Vehicle Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice came into effect in April 2019. The Notice increases mass and dimensions exemptions meaning many farmers will no longer need to apply for permits, it reduces the number of designated agricultural zones and it simplifies border movements.
  • Efficient grain transport
    • The Grain Harvest Management Scheme (GHMS) recognises the difficulty of in-field and on-farm loading of cereals, pulses and legumes with varying moisture contents and densities. GHMS provides flexibility above normal regulation mass limits when field loading bulk commodities. GHMS functions each year from 1 July to 30 June the following year. The scheme benefits the grain industry, the community and the road transport industry. AgForce administers the scheme on behalf of industry.


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Annual Report:

AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited Annual Report 2024